About Red-billed Hornbill ( Click- Readmore )
 Red-Billed Hornbill
Scientific Name: Tockus erythrorhynchus Distribution: West, East and South-East Africa Habitat: Savannas and open woodland Lifespan: 15 years Length: 19 to 24 inches Weight: less than 1 pound Red-Billed hornbills are a group of hornbills found in the savannas and woodlands of sub-Saharan. It is an omnivore, eating fruit, insects and small animals. Hornbills are named because the shape of their bill reminded early people of cattle horns.
Fast Facts
- The red-billed hornbill is one of the smaller hornbills. It has a mainly whitish underbelly and head, a long tail and long curved red bill. The male and female look similar but the female has a smaller bill. The long curved bill is an adaptation for digging.
- Red-bills mostly live on the ground and roost in trees near the trunk or on a large branch. They can fly despite having relatively short wings.
- They are usually found in pairs or small family parties but during the dry season may congregate in flocks of several hundred at feeding areas such as water holes.
- Females usually lay three to six eggs in a tree cavity. She seals herself and the nest off with cement like substance made of mud, droppings and fruit pulp. A narrow opening allows the male to transfer food to her and the chicks as they remain sealed inside.
Incubation period is 23 to 25 days.